Tuesday, March 25, 2014

....with a side of crazy!

Of all the bad traits I have, like....
excessive gas
picking my lips
being cranky
I have this one where I look at something, like a "project", and say to myself "that doesn't look hard, complicated or time consuming.  I can do that."
So I dive in.
Head first.
Then....wait for it.....wait for it. 
Always!  It always goes just like that.  I swear I can make tying my shoes complicated and time consuming.
So over the past two weeks I took on two of those projects.
The first:
A semi-nude baby.
Squish was given a partially dressed dolly.  He totally loves this baby but for months I've watched this dolly make its way around with only a shirt on.  This isn't a problem for most peeps but for me it was.  I know this will sound crazy but in my desire to focus on having a modest household it bothered me that this doll was strutin' her naked booty around with no means to cover it.  So I took to the Interwebs and came across two simple items to dress Miss Naky Booty.
It only took me a week but here she.  It wasn't complicated, if you have no kids, but for me it was.  I can never just "whip" something out.  I always need time.
The second, oh-it-can't-be-that-hard-task, was redoing an old Cosco stool that was given to us--FOR FREE!  Hollar!

This stool is well loved and much appreciated.  It has a permanent place at the dining room table.  It's present for every hair cut and birthday party.  Plus, it's ideal when Mama is pregnant and needs to park her fanny when she's cooking at the stove. 
I just love, LOVE, this stool.  Plus, my grandparents had this same brand stool, but in a different look, when I was growing up and it reminds me of them.  I'd pay top dollar for anything that would remind me of them but thankfully this was just given to us.
We've had it for a few years and it's been picked over a bit by boy one and boy two so I thought I would take a screw driver and wrench to it so I could restore it to its former glory.

This wasn't a hard or difficult project just a bit more time consuming when the daddy-o just doesn't do it for you you have three kiddos.  Truthfully, when I really want to do a "project" and the Daddy-O doesn't jump up and down screaming "I want to do it.  Let me.  Let me."  I'll usually start it, then I'll play Damsel In Distress and...
The s*^t gets done!
Thanks Daddy-O for putting up with my antics!

Bug is being silly as usual but I know he is excited to have it back because this is his self-appointed seat at the table.
PSST....if anyone has an old Cosco stool they don't want anymore I'd be happy to take it off your hands!

Friday, March 21, 2014

week :: twenty-one

This is my youngest guy. 
Most of you know him by his birth name
but for all the others you know him as Squishy.
He is super fun, super silly and a super lover.  Oh, did I forget to mention the elbow part?  His way of showing affection and needing some security is by pinching your elbows.  You know the really wrinkly skin on the back side?  That stuff.  He loves/needs to pinch it.  Not hard but just enough.  We've caught him doing it to Annie and I saw him do it to Bug yesterday which I thought was sweet because those two fight all the time.  Pretty much, no one is off limits.  Nor is the location and timing of the pinch.  If he sees it...it's getting pinched.
On Monday we took him in for this three year well check. 
Look at his knees. 
I have always seen them that way.  
In my eyes, God made him perfect. 

Well, those knees raised some concern for his doctor.  She referred us to a pediatric ortho dude. 

She thinks his femurs have rolled in.  You know the term "knocked knee?"  That is him.
Like I said above.  I have seen those knees everyday of his life but because no problems have ever come about I've never viewed them as concerning.  And, I still don't.  I know I sound naive because I've never traveled this road.  The Daddy-O and I have had some preliminary conversations ahead of his appointment in two weeks just based upon what little we know and we are not sure we would do anything to fix them. 
Again, God made him perfect.  Why mess with perfection?
week :: twenty-one
Our little Annie isn't crawling yet but that doesn't stop her from getting around through the means of rolling.  About two weeks ago I had a brief moment of panic when I thought I lost her.  I had laid her down on a blanket in the middle of the room and I went about doing a few chores.  I would peek on her from time to time and find her in relatively the same location.  I stepped outside to switch some laundry around and when I came back in she was gone.  Gone!  I panicked thinking I laid her down in another room but I couldn't remember which one.  When I glassed back over the living room I finally spotted her.  She had rolled to the other side and was under her swing up against the wall.

I don't have a picture of it but Annie scored her first rug burn this week.  Squishy wanted to move her across the room so I gather he did so by grabbing her legs and pulling her all the way across the floor.  She never let out a peep and I just assumed all was well until later that night when I felt a wet, sticky spot on the back of her head.  The "burn" is about the size of a quarter or a little bigger.  If it's bothering her she doesn't let us know.  Poor gal.  It would surely hurt me.
This past week has had some extra excitement in it and I hope to be able to share it all with you next week.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

week :: twenty :: part deux

It's been one year now since I found out that those few days of nausea wasn't the flu---it was you!  That little ol' test that came back positive changed my life for the better.  Up until I said a little prayer for you I thought I was a mom to boys.  "What would I do with a girl?", I thought.  Other then my physical anatomy I wasn't much of a girl myself so how could I raise one?
Then one day it occurred to me what a rite of passage it was for a man- a father-to give his daughter away at the alter.  I would get the benefit (times two) of a mother dancing with her sons but what would your dad get? 
I said a little prayer---a small request to the Almighty maker above. 
He had a plan. 

He knew I could be a mom to girls so He sent you to me.  I thank Him daily for you.  You are such a blessing and great joy to all of us. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

week :: twenty

Annie is asleep in her swing and I am not about to wake her to take her week twenty pictures.  Those will have to wait until a bit later today.  However, we have had such a busy past week that I wanted to slip in an update today before the boys come home from my Mom's in a few minutes.
 Okay....I know I mentioned that things last week were a bit rough with some sort of tummy thing running around.  It first started with Bug early Monday morning.  Squish had a very small episode that afternoon and after much fretting and worrying....Annie finally came down with it Thursday morning....all over me.  Bug and Annie had it worst and it seems the Daddy-O and I are in the safe zone.
During all the nastiness Squishy celebrated his 3rd birthday on Thursday.  For the past two years I would celebrate Bug's actual birth-day with a dinner and cake with my folks and in-laws.  Then we would have a joint birthday party for Bug and Squish about two weeks later and then to wrap it up we would then do a dinner and cake with the same folks for Squishy.  Why?  Bug was born February 6th and Squishy March 6th.
I fretted over doing the dinner and not doing the dinner but since Squishy was fine I didn't want to short change his day.  However, I finally decided that day to cancel the dinner but we would still do cake.  The cake was baked and ready the day before but with dinner I didn't know how I could pull it off with Annie being sick so I decided to remove that piece of the pressure.

Another reason to why I couldn't cancel the whole thing....he was just too excited to have this special time with some of his favorite people.

His "big" gift so-to-speak, was a quilt from his Mama.  He was pretty excited about this.  I had been working on it for some time now.  It is yellow and orange in color for after the song...you are my sunshine and that is what I labeled the quilt.
After a while of everyone being sick and just when you think the coast becomes clear someone has another episode you start to feel like a caged animal.  Or at least I did.  It seems all I did was watch everyone like a hawk with an empty Solo cup in my hand ready to spring into action.  Or lying awake at night with one eye and one ear open waiting.  Just waiting for that cough that's like a warning bell telling you have half a second before you're stripping the bed and scrubbing the floor. 
I was exhausted.  Friday I decided to strip the boys into their undies and I threw everyone outside with some paints.  This is a safe place to have a mess and leave a mess.  Plus, I knew we would all benefit from the sunshine.  I am a believer in the sun and the healing powers of natural vitamin D. 
During the weekend having felt like most everyone was good enough to take into public the Daddy-O and I decided to take an unplanned trip to Tombstone.  The weather was beautiful and we couldn't see the sense in staying inside another day.  Neither boy had been there yet and I knew it wouldn't be a hard sell when I said the words..."cowboys" and "gun fight." 

(Proof I was there.  A photo by Bug)

I do want to add that everyone was just amazing on this trip.  Normally, when we take road trips I pack books, toys, crayons, snacks.  Just about anything to keep them entertained.  This time I only packed water bottles, oh, and some empty Solo cups for "just in case."  There was no whining, fighting or crying.  The whole trip was just awesome.
Today...week twenty of Annie's life was spent on a miniature horse ranch for an event through M.O.P.s.  (As if Annie already didn't think she was living her life with a bunch of smelly animals.) 
(My mom is not a fan of having her picture taken but I think she'll really like this one)

(This miniature donkey had my heart)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

week :: nineteen

It's been one heck of a week around here.  Well, the first part of this week was good.  The last part....not so good. 

We had a storm blow in that left us with this complete rainbow.  I was too cold to try and get the whole rainbow in one shot so instead you get a two-parter.  It was really beautiful.
I mentioned in the last post that I had been working on the Great Purge of Early 2014. 

I already had one pile go to Goodwill.  I wasn't able to get a photo of it before I dropped it off.  You see I had the back of my ride full of things that would work their back into our house if either child saw them. 
In all of the cleaning madness I decided to tackle my fabric stash.  I thought I should try to thin the stash and take on my scrap bin.  So of course another quilt is in the works. 
However, the craft room looks like a war zone.

I also mentioned in the last post that we have been dealing with some nasty sickness in the house.  Bug has been sick on and off with vomiting and diarrhea and Squish was just sick once to the tummy.  Of course with wee little Annie in the house I've been worried sick that she'll end up with it too. 
(My little sicky)

 (A constant request in our house...."Mom, take a picture of me".)
week :: nineteen

I know this is a repeat but it needs to be said again...Annie is just a happy little girl.  We are so blessed.  I can't really recall anything new she did this week.  She is a little mover or at least is trying her best to be.  She rolls and turns around and even scoots a bit on her belly.

Monday, March 3, 2014


The purging is well under way in the house. 
I- the contents of cupboards, drawers and bins.
Bug- the contents of his stomach since 3:30am
As Bug said to me in the wee hours....
"Mama, I am going to say a bad word without getting into trouble."
Me: "Okay Bud, what is it?"
Bug: "I hate being sick."
Me: "I agree Bug."
No pictures today but soon. 
There is a man down who needs me.


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