Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wow...that was quick

Mommy taught me how to upload video. The first video was taken in February and the 2nd video was taken just a few days ago...I hope you enjoy.

The greatest and latest...

I had a visit from my Great Grandma around Easter time. She lives in Texas so this was our first time meeting each other. Ain't she a doll!I am also working on getting tummy time these days and because of that I am learning how to hold my head up. Taaa-Daaaa!

Now if only Mommy could teach me how to upload some video then you could watch me in action. Stay tuned for that...

Okay...just this one time

This is just for my Uncle Jason and Grandma. They are U of A Wildcats freaks. Fanatic might have been a better word but freaks is a better description.

Oh is Uncle Jason wearing some of his freak garb now.

I'm just teasing you two. I love you both! LB

Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Liberty Garden

Today Mommy and Daddy took me to the Civano Nursery to look at getting a start at planting a garden in my back yard. They want Mommy to be able to eat better while she is feeding me and then when I get old enough to eat we will have a lush choice of organic food for me too. We went there with a list in hand of the fruits and veggies we want to plant. The list consisted of lettuce, carrots, snap peas, potatoes, blackberries, corn, blueberries, tomatoes, strawberries, bell peppers, jalapenos, spinach, broccoli, cilantro, cucumbers, kiwi and green beans all to start with. turns out we were so late and a dollar short that all we can plant right now are the berries. So Mommy and Daddy bought me my first giant strawberry plant to get things started until we can get the soil ready for the rest of the berries to come home.

Mommy and I in the garden (notice cousin It on the side of her face)
All of the fun and excitement sure did wear me out...

I am going to go for now but I'll check back in later.

Love: Love Bug

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

According to a recent study...

Real men wear PINK

My Grandma G. bought this shirt for me for Easter because it reads Mommy's Little Love Bug. I just had to have my picture taken with Grandad while I was wearing it because pink is his favorite color (sissy).

My Grandad is a funny Grandad. He had the pleasure of watching me last week for an hour by himself. Mommy, because sometimes she is smart, put a disposable diaper in my bag as a "just in case" because the Grandparents are still learning how to use my cloth diapers. Grandad was really thankful to come across that diaper during our time together and he used it but when Mommy came home this is what she saw.... Grandad had put the diaper on backwards and then he put my cloth diaper cover over the disposable. Perhaps he was insuring there would be no explosive poos on his watch? It sure did make for a really good laugh for Mommy.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's Easter!!

Today is such a great day. Mommy and Daddy let me sleep in until 8:30 this morning and then when I got up I was full of smiles because it was my first Easter so I had Mommy and Daddy get me dressed in my best clothes.I was hoping that when the Easter bunny had visited he would leave me one of these in my basket....But instead this was the cruel joke that awaited me...
Happy Easter! I love you ALL so MUCH! xoxo LB


Oh where, oh where can my Aunt Kissy be, oh where oh where can she be?!?!
If anyone can locate my Aunt Kissy tell her I need some of her lovin'

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Is this safe?

So Grandpa had this really great idea or so HE thought because once I heard what was about to go down I quickly fell asleep hoping they would pass on this "really great idea". However---luck was not on my side!

See Exhibit A...

Yes, that is a scale that goes up to 60lbs. Do you see where this is going???

See Exhibit B...

Yes, that is ME being forced against my will to lay in that scale!

Now see exhibit C....

Does any one else find this amusing?? AND....yes, that is my weight in the first picture.

Giving Props to My Peeps--DLG

My 2 Month Check Up

Well....yesterday was my two month check-up with the Doctor and ever since we left his office Mommy and Daddy have been calling my Chunky. Just because I weigh 13.1 lbs now does not make me makes me big boned.

The Doc gave me a really good once over. He checked my eyes with a really bright light, then he stuck that light in my ears and then in my mouth and when he was done with that he then rubbed the soft spot on my head to make sure it was progressing normally and then he rotated my hips to make sure they were still in place and just when I thought he was done...he stripped me down and looked around down south to make sure the "boys" were okay.
("You are going to check me where?")
Mommy had a few questions for him...
1) Do I have a mild case of cradle cap? Yes
2) Is it okay to use olive oil and sesame seed oil on me? Yes
3) During bath time is it okay to flood my ears (we have a lot of fun at bath time)? Yes
4) I have discovered my spit. Is that a warning for teething? No
5)Can Mommy take a daily Probiotic? Yes
After another hour long conversation over vaccines with the Doc Mommy and Daddy decided to get me just one that day. They feel it's safer for me to have my vaccines spread out rather then get a lump some of 7 that day. They want to be able to watch me for side effects and if there are any then we can discontinue the use of that vaccine. It was a not an easy decision for them to make but they feel given the hours of research that they've done this is the safest course for us.
Overall the visit went really well and I was given a clean bill of health.
Peace to my peeps! DLG

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I'm 2 months now!

I can't believe how quick time flies when I'm eating, pooping, peeing and sleeping all of the time. I swear it was just yesterday that I was leaving TMC.

The car ride home

When I left the hospital I was a tiny 6lbs 15oz and now....

I'm closely related to GODZILLAI go in for my two month check up and weigh in tomorrow at 9am.

Besides my weight I have grown in so many other aspects of my life. I smile all of the time now. My fists are the coolest things. I started the switch over from eating every 2hrs to 3hrs. I discovered my Mommy's hair fits perfectly in my hand. I am now even sleeping for longer stretches at night.

I remember our first night home from the hospital. It was bedtime and Mommy and Daddy had this silly idea that I would sleep in that big cradle all by myself. You see....I was all warm and snuggled in Daddy's arms and Mommy was trying to sleep in my soon-to-be big bed when Daddy tried putting me in that cradle. It took me all of 5 minutes before I figured out something changed and let me tell you how mad I was. I started crying and then Mommy started crying and then she said something like if it had occurred to her she was never going to get any sleep again she would have slept through the whole pregnancy and look now---in just two short months Mommy gets about 3 to 4 hours of solid sleep. Although, by the looks of her she sure could use more sleep but don't tell her I said that.

Here are some more pictures from two months ago...

Oh great...I think Mommy is on the verge of tears seeing how tiny I was. It seems so long ago and she can't believe just how big I became over a short period of time. Where did the time go as she wipes a tear from her check.
Okay...I better go now so I can cuddle with her so she'll stop crying.
Lot of Love to all my Peeps--DLG

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's been awhile

It's been awhile since I've been on here. I am just still so sleepy for most of the day except for this past Sunday. I decided it was a good day to practice staying awake for most of the day. I probably only slept for 2.5 hours total for the whole day. By 8:30 that night after a good nursing Mommy was sure that I would fall fast asleep but.....NOPE! I continued to be wide-eyed until 9:30 when I finally gave into all that rocking and the sound of Mommy's heart beating. When it was finally time for Mommy, Daddy and I to hit the sack I only woke for a few minutes to get a clean diaper and my PJs on then I passed back out. I slept really good that night. Mommy thought it would be a great idea to take my picture that night....
Here are some other ways in which I sleep...

By myself

In bed with Daddy at 2:16am
With Mommy

And sometimes when I'm playing


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