Saturday, March 28, 2009

More visitors

Today my Great Uncle's Mike and Jerry and my Great Aunt's Mary and Julie came over to visit with me. Here I am with G. Uncle Jerry & G. Aunt Julie. She was saying some pretty cute things to me. They brought me a gift too. My first sand pail with a book and super soft teddy bear.

Here I am with my G. Aunt Mary. She was saying some pretty sweet things to me too. She also brought me a gift as well. It was a rubber duck for my next bath time which will hopefully be tomorrow and a gift card to Target so Mommy can take me shopping. Maybe we can drop by the toy department so I can pick up on the ladies!

Here I am with G. Uncle Mike. He had the "mom" rock and he put me right to sleep in his arms. He must know I am a sucker for that.
I was so tired from all of the visiting that I passed out on Dad's tummy. is just so tough!

Lots of love and hugs and kisses--Love Bug

I LOVE bath time!!

Today Mommy and I took a bath together. I had a lot of fun. Mommy held my head while the rest of my body floated in the water. It reminded me of being in my Mommy's belly but with a lot of extra room. Once I became comfortable I started kicking and kicking and the water was splashing all over. When my arms caught on to what my legs were doing then I started to make waves. Mommy just kept laughing as I was playing around. I really liked bath time this morning until Mommy thought that after 30 minutes it was time to get out. As soon as I caught on I started to scream and cry. I was so sad to have to get out. Here is a picture from a past bath time...

But when Mommy took me out of the bath this morning this is what happened....Maybe she believes me now when I say I am a water baby!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Look Daddy...

Mommy FINALLY got me dressed today!

And....I am a furious Tiger! ROAR!

My first play date

I had my first play date yesterday. I hung out with my second cousins Haley and Rudy. We deicded we would let the moms come along too. My Grammy and Great Aunt Janet were also there. Along the way we decided to see our Great-Grandparents as well. This picture was taken in their house.

Jenn, Haley, Mary, Rudy, Mommy and Me

It's my 7 week birth day today!

Hi! Today I am 7 weeks old. Here I am on the couch this morning getting in some "Lumpy" time. This is time that I spend all by myself doing whatever I like. As you can see today I was playing with my handcuffs while my mommy was standing over me saying silly things to make me smile. I like to smile a lot now and it no longer has anything to do with all that gas I get sometimes. I smile now with a purpose especially if you talk to me in a baby voice and say silly things.

I would also like to pay a little homage to Dr. Hutchison today. I know some of you may be tired of my mommy always talking about him but she really feels like he made her dreams come true. Here is picture of me, mommy, daddy and him taken when I was four weeks old. I think he is a really cool dude. He gave my mommy and daddy a silver spoon that says "Miracle Baby" on it. I personally think it should say "Stud Muffin". I think it fits me better.Last night I was able to get in some really good cuddle time with daddy. I like to bury my head in his armpit when I sleep. I am so glad he wears deodorant. Well I am going to sign off for now. Lots and lots of love to you all!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Here is some of my family....

Aunt Ericka & Zilla
Aunt Patti
Aunt Kissy
Grammy (the one I need to watch out for) & Grandad
Grandpa & Grandma

The Start!

Devin Lewis was born on Febraury 6, 2009 at 2:16am. He came in at a healthy 7lbs 7oz and 19 inches long. It was a very long day that began on midnight on his due date of February 5th.

Even though it was a very long day it was also a very wonderful day and it was a day I would do all over again without changing one thing.
Taa-Daa! This has been a very long road for me to get to this point. I really start to feel my age when I tackle new things on the Internet like Myspace, Facebook and now Blogging.

I decided to start this blog about Devin for family and friends who may not get to see Devin as much as they would like to for various reasons. I also liked this approach so I wouldn't get into trouble if I forgot to include someone on an email update. Plus the bonus to this is that you don't have to join anything to look. Although I think you may have to have a gmail account to leave a comment but I'm not 100% sure on that. Hey...I'm still learning and I think I have a long way to go still so bare with me.


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