Tuesday, November 17, 2009


My very first Thanksgiving...post being in mommy's belly....is coming up quick. I thought I would come up with 26 things that I am thankful for....
(#2 - #26 are in no particular order)

#1: Mommy and Daddy....of course!

#2: Both sets of Grandparents....duh!

#3: My Aunts and Uncles and all the Greats!

#4: My Great-Grandma

#5: Dr. Scot Hutchison...without his help I may not have been here, yet!

#6: Blankies, pillows, pants, diapers....anything I can put over my head to be silly with.

#7: My Great-Grandmas' in heaven watching over me. (Lord knows with Mommy being responsible with my care I need as many angels as possible!)

#8: For the microwave at Grammy's house because she uses it to heat up my wipes.
#9: For Nitto's toe nails. Those long things are just so fascinating to me!
#10: The organic yummy fruits and vegetables that mommy makes for me!
#11: WATER!! I love me some bath time!!
#12: My Daddy for letting me play in the water during our bath time!!
#13: For Grandma's sewing ability. She hemmed up my 2T pants for me.
#14: For the ENDLESS love I get from everyone!
#15: My smile. It can melt even the hardest of strangers.
#16: The softness of the changing table pad. It softens the blow when I throw my head back in a fit of fussiness from not wanting to have my diaper changed.
#17: For Zilla: He has so many cool toys here that I can play with now!
#18: Cloth Diapers! They are so soft on my tush!
#19: The Tucson Weather! It's November 20th and I was able to get me some naked outside time!
#20: My garden! I can't wait to eat the fruits of Daddy's labor....hehehehe!
#21: MY big comfy king-sized bed
#22: Mommy's job for allowing her to work from home!
#23: For Daddy's boss allowing him to work from home come the first of the year!
#24: Breast Milk! It makes me big and strong!
#25: My high chair: It allows me to watch all the action of mommy's cooking in the kitchen
#26: My fisher price musical projector! It helps me fall asleep at every nap and bed time!
YIPPEE!!! I completed the task. I am sure I forgot a few things but you can't get perfection every time!

Gobble! Gobble! ~LB

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Play Time Part II

Here are more photos from my playtime the other day. During this time I came across a strange new toy....

Lots of Love!! LB

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Location

It's amazing the new hiding spots that can be found when one is not paying attention to me.

I new she had a stash of toys under the bed for me.

(How many days are left? This is getting exhausting!)

Peace Out ~ LB

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How does one do it?

"How do you do it?" That is the question I often over hear mommy being asked.

She works 20 hours a week. Puts a hot meal on the table for dinner five days out of the week. Cleans and vacuums every day. Washes diapers every other day. Sometimes she even washes a load of laundry every day AND makes ALL of my food.

And the ANSWER.....

This week I would like to answer your burning questions. Under this posting click on "comments" and leave your questions there and I'll do my best to answer them all or you can email them to my mommy at redpepperlips@yahoo.com

Peace to all the party people~LB

Monday, November 9, 2009

Missed a few...

Okay! Okay! I knew it would be a tall order to blog everyday for 30 days but I gave it a try and as you can tell I've missed a few days. Not to worry though because not much as happened in those missed days. Well....if don't count me learning how to sit up all on my own and standing up with the help of the ottoman. Hey....a guy can't learn those things if I am on the computer all of the time!

Today I went in for my 9 month check up at Catalina Pediatrics with Dr. Foster.

Here I am eating breakfast getting ready to go.
Loaded up in the car!
We can't forget Daddy!
Ta-Da! We made it!
Waiting for our turn!
Getting my length figured out.
Checking to see how much my "spare tire" weighs :-)
Waiting to get my blood drawn to check my iron levels. I didn't even make a peep!
My cool new "accessory"
Our arrival home after a long morning!

And now the STATS.....

Weight: 21.8lBS = 50-75th Percentile
30in = 90-95th Percentile
48 1/4cm = 95th Percentile

Peace to my peeps! ~ LB

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Play Time!

After a scrumptious dinner of acorn squash with cinnamon and sweet taters made fresh today courtesy of my master chef mommy I had some good ol' playtime in my room. Who knew my room was good for something else besides changing my diaper.

I hope you enjoy watching a part of the fun I was having. I'll post more tomorrow!

Peace to the Peeps! LB

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm very sleepy

Mommy is trying to wean me from my "lovie" at night. She is worried my teeth are going to rot out with how often I like to nurse throughout the night. So needless to say in exchange I kept mommy and daddy up in protest last night until my "lovie" was returned.

I must admit that perhaps my protesting at 10:30pm, midnight, 1:30am and 2:30am wasn't such a hot idea because mommy and daddy both woke up cranky and tired.

I hope by posting these two cute pictures of me they'll forgive me. Do you think it will work?

Giving Props to my Peeps~ LB

Monday, November 2, 2009


"You need more zest!" "Quality over quantity!" Those are the words of my father about my recent blog postings. So... zest and quality here I come!

D-Don't let him drive that tractor because he will run it into the wall!
Again! You cut the cable line again!
D-Doh! Now you cut the neighbor's phone line!
D-Determined not to hit anything else with the tractor!
Y-Yea! Daddy is home. Daddy coming home is the best part of my day. Well, next to nursing. (Hey....I have priorities too!)

I hope this is the zest and quality he was looking for!

Lots of love to my posse~ LB

Apple Annies

Daddy, Mommy, Grandma, Grandpa, Adie, A.J. and myself packed up and went to Apple Annies in WIllcox. It was my first time to a pumpkin patch and Mommy and Daddy's first time to Apple Annies.

While there I learned just how fast mommy can shove kettle corn in her mouth and I watched just how fast a seat in Frank can fill up with kettle corn too!

We had a lot of fun!!

Only 28 more to go! Lots of Love to my peeps! LB

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I just found out that November is National Blog Month and the goal is to post a blog every day for the next thirty days. Seen how mommy is into cruel and unusual punishment she has signed me up for the task. Here is blog #1:
Halloween 2009

Only 29 more to go.....


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