Saturday, May 23, 2009

Do you hear what I hear?'s a first REAL laugh!! I couldn't help it....just look at how silly Daddy was being.

It's amazing just how far a Mommy and Daddy will go to make us kids laugh. I'm playing a little hard to get with Mommy on my laughing and she doesn't think that's funny. I've done this a few times now for Daddy.
So what else have I been up to you ask....

I had a play date with my cousin Rudy. He is a few months older then me

Mommy and Daddy busted out with a new toy

I was weighed again. I'm still trying to figure out if this is humane. The results 17.5lbs. It's all in the diaper. It makes my butt big.

I endured my first battle wound from Mommy clipping my nails. It's okay though because I never cried and in fact I didn't even wake up.

An attempt to take some "3 month old" shots.

And my favorite....bath time!!!

Sorry it took so long to update my blog and sorry for being short on the commentary but as you can see it's early and I need to get back into bed with Mommy before she wakes up. It's tough sometimes getting her to sleep so I can get "me" time.

Lots of love to my posse~LB

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day Mommy!!! Wow...what I can say about the crazy lady who calls me her little love bug? Funny, weird, smelly (she toots a lot), silly, crazy, goofy, owner of the lactose cafe....umm I think that's a good start. Over all though she is MY mommy and God couldn't have picked a better one. Mommy made me say that and personally I think it's too early to close the polls. After all I am only three months old so aside from eating, sleeping, pooping and blogging there is still a lot for me to learn.
At the Tucson Botanical Gardens
Mommy thinks this day isn't so much about the moms as it is about the kids because without the kids you ladies wouldn't be mommies.

Flowers for Mommy from Daddy and I
We had a really nice day. We had a little breakfast picnic with Grandma and Grandpa at Lakeside park and then we spent some time at the Botanical Gardens. We were not there for very long because it became too hot. Our last stop for the day was to visit with Grammy and Grandad.
My family's to you and many more Mother's Days!! Keep up the good work and perhaps pick up some Beano for yourself next time you are at the store!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Okay....I know it's been a really long time since I've been on here but I was caught up in a growth spurt. I'm pretty sure that's over with now. The lots of sleeping part was fun but not the crankiness and crying. I think I am also trying to cut some teeth. I have been drooling and I like to chew on things now and I really like to rub my tongue on my gums.

Aside from all of that I finally took my first day trip on Saturday the 25th. We went down to Grammy and Granddad's house at the property. It's about an hour and forty-five minutes from my house. In fact a lot of my family came with us. Let me think.....Aunt Patti, Uncle Bryan, Jordynn, Jackson, Noah, Aunt Chrissy, Uncle Dan, Chase, Hailey, Aunt Michelle, Grandma, Grandpa and of course Grammy and Grandad.
(In my outdoor gear)

It was a lot of fun. Shortly after we arrived we all took a walk down to the stock tank. I watched Aunt Michelle, Chase and Hailey row around on the boat and then afterwards they decided to catch some gold fish.
(Finally...a family photo)

(All of my cousins on Mommy's side)

The day was fun but long for me. I slept for all but two and a half hours on Sunday in trying to recover!

Well...I better go for now! Lots of love~LB


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