Thursday, May 29, 2014

week :: thirty and a missing week: thirty-one

**UPDATE #1: Okay, to be fair I started this post last week, but again life took hold.**

**UPDATE #2:  Annie Bananie is struggling with teething so I may not have any week thirty-one pictures.**
During week thirty we took a day trip to Apache Lake.  They was our second boat trip of the year and our third lake trip.  Although there are some stresses involved when taking these trips like:
-Making sure you pack the sunscreen.
-Make sure you bring the bag that has the sunscreen in it.
-Buying food and packing the ice chest for lunch on the water.
-Not forgetting to bring the butter knife for your PB & J sandwiches.
-Buy yourself some Dr. Pepper because it's a treat and you deserve a treat.
-Feeling your thighs rub as you walk out of the soda isle so you turn around and put the soda back. (Damn)
-Once the boat is in the water idle just off shore and not run into other boats while daddy parks the Beast.
-Daddy's back so now you need to pick him up without running him over and docking the boat on shore.
-Days over and now it's time to put the boat on the trailer without crashing into the trailer, other boaters, the back of the Beast, the front of Daddy all-the-while trusting your kids not to fall overboard because you can't possibly really be watching them while trying to (successfully) put the boat on the trailer.
With all of the stress aside...once on the water, (if your boat ran well), the lake is the best way to de-stress.  We love, LOVE, being on the water.  What is even better is that the kids love being at the lake as well. 

week :: thirty
Annie-Bananie decided to do this, this week:
 She has decided that the ottoman is her best friend.  She loves to use that as her aid in standing up.  Why a moving piece of furniture is beyond me but she loves it.  She is now up and off her belly for crawling.  The Daddy-O keeps asking me when will we put up the kid gates but I don't have any plans to yet.  I think our house is fairly kid proof and if not then we will find out soon.  Plus, it's easier to shut doors to keep her out of any one room then it is for two boys to climb up and over gates. 


Friday, May 16, 2014

week :: twenty-nine

Back when I was in high school (class of 97') I had this idea in my head of what it meant to be a cool mom.  My mom was awesome and set the bar high.  She was cool... like an ice cream sundae on a hot summer day, kinda  of cool.  I wanted to be that cool and then some.  Like if you added a cherry on top of that ice cream sundae.  That's how cool I was going to be.
Fast forward to the me now with three kids.  Two boys and one girl.  My idea of cool as changed.
Back then cool to me was:  allowing my kids to dye their hair funky different colors, maybe even a tattoo, or two.  Allowing them to be "different" and to work all of those 'needs' out of their systems. 
Cool to me now:  Extending nursing, co-sleeping, cloth diapers, well dressed kids, God. 
Yes, you read that last one right, God!
I made the turn from being Agnostic to a believer back when I became pregnant with Bug, my first born.  It was during that time while carrying something so precious in me that I could finally see that something greater than I did exist. 
This journey for me has been slow but since the birth of Annie it has picked up speed. 
I came across a website I've been  The daily devotions have been speaking to my heart. 
Right now I feel like what I am lacking in friendships I am getting from Him. 
It so crazy for me to think that and then to say it aloud.  I was not raised in a religious household and I was firm in my agnostic beliefs.  However, with the birth of my three little ones I see things differently.
The Daddy-O and I have had countless talks about the good man above.  I know there are many who doubt His presence.   I am sure there are a few out there who think we are crazy bible thumpers.  We feel like.....So, what if we are wrong?  What is the worse that can come from having faith? 

Okay, I know you are here for the pictures so here they are.....

I am back at it with my food art for the boys.  This was a lunch scene.  The boys both enjoyed their camping themed lunch. 

 Annie had her first outside naked baby time.  I am big believer in letting my babies get some naked time outside.  I think it's not only important to get some sun on their skin but also to let there private bits air out.

My Mother's Day was spent with my family at the traveling dinosaur museum.  The boys had a great time and I enjoyed being with my parents and my own family.
The picture isn't great but last week I made Annie a sunbonnet.  With the lake season upon us and my baby girl bald I wanted to make her a bonnet so her poor head wouldn't burn.  The pattern was super easy to work with and makes a great beginner piece. 
Buggy has had his cast for a week now.  Two more weeks to go before it comes off.  This kid is my hero.  He was been so wonderful through all of this.  He is Mr. No Complaints.  His cast has not slowed him down one bit. 
week :: twenty-nine

Annie mastered sitting up this week.  She is just about crawling full time on her hands and knees.  I haven't put up any kid gates yet so she is enjoying exploring the house.  Some of her favorite places...the dinning room where the dog dishes are and the kitchen because Mama always gives her some kitchen gadgets to play with.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

week :: twenty-eight

This has been a week of a few firsts. 
-First, Bug broke his elbow.
-Then Squish broke out in hives.
-And then not to be out done by her brothers, Annie sat-up unassisted.
Mama's kinda pooped from all this new activity.
Seriously though, I knew sooner or later I would become familiar with broken bones.  First off, my kids have half of their Daddy-O in them so the ol' two left feet applies to them; and second....I won't force my kids to live in bubble.  Sometimes I wish they did but I know giving them the chance to live and explore life is more important. 
Bug broke his arm on Thursday night playing with his see-saw.   Honestly,  how I always envisioned a broken bone happening was nothing compared to how it happened. 

Nobody saw exactly what happened but here is what we do know....he was on his see-saw going in circles and then he wasn't.  Ta-Da! 
I was inside cleaning up dinner and my folks were outside with the boys.  I heard his cry as he came through the door and I heard him asking for me.  I knew right away that something big was wrong.  His tone and pitch at the moment were new.  When I turned around I saw him making a beeline for me and his right arm was bent into an L shape but limp at the same time.  I said it right then--his arm was broken.  I think I had a few naysayers but my Mama instinct wasn't going to budge from my diagnosis. 
-His tears only lasted a few minutes at best.
-Daddy-O and I arguing over how each other handled the hour or more.
 (According to him:  I was being illogical and irrational and blah, blah, blah.  I zoned out 5 minutes into the "conversation."
According to me: he was being all--let's hug it out and smoke a peace pipe.  When the buzz wears off we'll talk about a game plan. (this might be a little exaggerated-- but only a teensy weensy) )
To my defense--it was seven o'clock at night.  My folks were there to lend a hand with kid 2 & 3.  Let's get to urgent care now because who knows how long this will take.  I don't really care right now what exactly happened because the damage is already done. 
Let me ask you this:  Would you dare mess with a sow?  I think not.  I was in a full-blown sow mode and nobody was going to get in my path (and survive).
Poor kid.  I feel horrible that we handled our mess in front of him.
We took him to urgent care but before we could ever get the proper paperwork to fill out, we left.  He had gained almost full use of his arm and wasn't complaining about any discomfort.  I sucked up my "his arm is broken pride" and we went home.
The next morning though when he couldn't straighten his arm I suspected my original diagnosis's might still be valid so off again to urgent care.  By 5pm that night we had the confirmation that he indeed broke his elbow. 
(Buggy with his sling before the splint.)

(Buggy doing his infamous silly poses with his new arm bling)
I've got to hand it to this kid....not since the initial break has he cried or complained. 
Not even yesterday when the doctor was squeezing, bending and rotating his arm.  He said he wasn't in any pain but yet he would pull back or even flinch a bit when he did feel it.  Truthfully, it kind of breaks my heart watching him be so tough.
Onto Squishy now:
Sunday morning he woke up fine but about 20 minutes after a shower he had broken out in a rash.

It looks really bad in these photos.  My mama instinct told me it was just an allergic reaction to something but because I couldn't figure out what had caused it I started to doubt my feeling.  I decided to call his doctor's office yesterday to go for a look-and-see just to verify that all is okay. 
All is okay.  It's just a case of the hives.  She suspects that his body in fighting some type of virus and in return it has become sensitive to something.  He should be cleared up in a week.
week :: twenty-eight
And not to be left out from the first broken bone and the first case of the hives....Annie decided yesterday was also good time to sit up all by herself for the....first time.

Here's a rewind to week one: 


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