Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How does one do it?

"How do you do it?" That is the question I often over hear mommy being asked.

She works 20 hours a week. Puts a hot meal on the table for dinner five days out of the week. Cleans and vacuums every day. Washes diapers every other day. Sometimes she even washes a load of laundry every day AND makes ALL of my food.

And the ANSWER.....

This week I would like to answer your burning questions. Under this posting click on "comments" and leave your questions there and I'll do my best to answer them all or you can email them to my mommy at redpepperlips@yahoo.com

Peace to all the party people~LB

1 comment:

  1. I use duck tape but it's leaving marks on my walls so I guess I'm going to have to try the upside down laundry basket....great idea!



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