Tuesday, December 10, 2013

week :: seven

week :: seven
Anna is officially smiling.  It's not really new to this week because she started around six weeks but it took me some time to believe she was actually wanting to smile. 

Poor girl is already suffering the ill effects of being a girl.  I noticed several weeks ago that she was lactating.  She has horrible acne and I was warned she could have a spot of blood in her diaper due to my hormones still having an affect on her.  It hasn't happened yet so I don't suspect it will but geez, not even as infants do we get a break from the hormones.
Momma is hoping to score a macro lens from Santa so I've been playing around with my camera trying to get a better idea of how things work.  I've wanted this lens for awhile and recently I tried to hire a local, backyard grown, photographer to take our family photos but it seems the locals here in Tucson think they are professionally trained and charge for such.  Not willing to spend a minimum of $200-$300 just to have the pictures taken, which does not include actually having the photos (or a disk) in my hand that I just paid you to take because that's a separate charge, I can buy this lens for $150 and have it at my disposal ALL. DAY. LONG. 
Okay.  Wanna hear something a tad crazy?
Remember this from October 2012?

This was my first and sadly my last Mud Run.  I had a blast.  In the last eight or so years I have done countless runs but just plain ol' running is BORING.  Running, through obstacles, water and mud is FUN!!!!  After this run most of us, including me, were signed up to do the Terrain Mud Run in Phoenix this past April but this happened to me....

During the run in October and the news of my pregnancy in March some of us talked about upping our game and going for the Tough Mudder.  Well, I haven't thought much about it until this past Sunday when I caught a show on MTV about the Tough Mudder and that was it. 
You see, when I get inspired, I get F.O.C.U.S.E.D.  Meaning I will live, eat, and breath what ever it is that has me inspired.  It's a good thing and it's a bad thing.  It's good because I am inspired, excited and motivated.  It's also bad because usually my attention span will taper off and just like that; what ever that inspired me will be gone like an old newspaper.
So this is me from last week...

It may not look like a lot to you but that is only because I spared you the shots of my back side and thighs in underwear.  Momma's got a muffin top in front, a cottage cheese factory in the back and a crack 3 miles long.  This is what happens when you give up your life at the gym to have babies.  Three of them in five years.  Maybe I shouldn't be complaining about my size but when I am too cheap to buy bigger clothes just to wear for a few months while the extra baby weight falls off, it is a big deal. 
Back to the Tough Mudder.  I think I am going to do it.  I am a bit nervous to commit because I am a mom to three young kids and my health and safety is my priority but having bragging rights are kind of nice too.  So I started training.  As of today I have started two programs together.  Tough Mudder does offer their own program to follow but since the run isn't until April I wanted to focus on my running and general strength.  Once those improve I'll probably turn my attention to Tough Mudders training program.
I am starting: 
I have never done any training for running.  I just always bought the gear and strapped on my running shoes and went.  I am hoping that once I actually give training and proper technique a try maybe running won't be so challenging for me.  After day one, I can already feel it.
I am hoping that by publishing my desires to compete in the Tough Mudder and along with my current looks it will hold me accountable and not let this become that old newspaper
Plus, we own one of these...
 So I would be lying if I said I didn't care to be that mom with three young kids and a nice body.  I know it's only my husband that I need to please but again....those bragging rights are nice!

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