Tuesday, November 26, 2013

week :: five

week :: five
I can't believe my little Anna-Banana is already over a month old.  Sometimes, with the lack of sleep, the constant flow of milk, and all those diapers being soiled, it feels like babies will be babies forever.  When you are locked into those moments you can't see the time slipping by.  I feel with her though that I do notice the time getting away.  After her baths I like to watch her and admire her and just soak in all of her little-ness before it's gone forever...
I like to watch her focus her eyes and witness her notice the new things around her.
Her feet are no longer the wrinkly little things they once where. 

 Left only is the indentation from where we were once connected.

Her fist is so tiny but yet there are so many people wrapped around those fingers.
I just love and adore all the things that make this little girl mine.   
So what was new this week:
Another selfie with mom
 Wagon rides with Bug
Baths in the kitchen sink 
Cuddle time with Squish 
Our meat freezer being over run with my milk. 
The Dress week 5: 


1 comment:

  1. love my hand in bugs undies making him hard



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