Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekend accomplishments

This turned out to be a fantastic weekend!  I feel so accomplished!  Well truth be told I barely finished the laundry, the house didn't get vacuumed, the floors didn't get mopped and I didn't convince daddy that getting chickens before Carsen arrived was a good idea but this is what did happen...

-Saturday morning I purchased my first sugar pumpkin of the season and immediately came home and roasted it up so I could make pumpkin butter.  While the pumpkin butter was brewing on the stove I roasted up the seeds so I could enjoy them all weekend long.  The only evidence left of that pumpkin was the skin that I kindly fed to our compost.

-Saturday night for dinner we cheated and purchased one of those whole rotisserie cooked chickens from the grocery store.  What was left over was saved for Sunday morning....

-Sunday morning-first thing-I tossed the left over chicken carcass into a pot of water on the stove and let it boil for hours and hours. 

-At 11am I put Bug down for a nap, kissed Daddy good-bye and then I went on a mommy date!  My mommy date took me to the 22nd Street Antique Mall (my first trip there) to get a start on my Christmas shopping. 

-1:00pm I SCORED!  I picked Bug up a 1960's Roadmaster tri-cycle for $8 bucks!  Yup, a fully functioning, all the guts are there, worn down here and there because of love for-EIGHT DOLLARS! SCORE!!!!  I also picked him up two stocking stuffers-three tiny wrenches and a rolling pin! 

-1:30pm.  After a quick stop at Starbucks to conclude my mommy date I was back home to enjoy all the wonderful smells coming out of the pot on the stove. 

-By 2pm I had strained the chicken from the stock, sorted all the bones from the meat, cut up my celery & carrots, put everything (minus the bones of course) back into the pot with the additions of barley, pepper and garlic salt for a few more hours of cooking.

-Somewhere between here and there Bug, Daddy and I all ventured out into daddy's shop to help clean, sort and get dirty. 

-Somewhere after here and there I manage to rest a little bit with Bug, eat some of the DELICIOUS chicken & barely soup I had made, make Daddy some brownies from scratch, clean the bathrooms, finish the laundry, can and freeze the soup for the start of winter, eat dinner and collapse on the couch!

By the end of this weekend I was feeling like a true domestic diva housewife, with a side of urban homesteading in there. 

Life is great and it's weekends like this that reinforce that my family and I are completely blessed!  We are simple people, who don't make a lot of money.  We focus all of our time & energy on just our growing family and therefor stress has been cut from our lives.  We really wish that everyone would be given (and cease) the opportunity to jump out of the rat race and live a simple life. 

Have a goodnight!

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