Oops....I am week behind. Last week, I and along with 600 basting pins, buried ourselves into Squishy's quilt.
I had to take over and completely reorganise the dinning room to make it happen. I may have used four hundred extra pins to make it happen since I have my new fancy walking foot but after the first messy go-around I wanted to make sure that it would turn out right this second time.
I really did bury myself into this for him. I want to give it to him for this third birthday which is right around the corner. So all last week and weekend I spent basting and sewing. I mended the spot where he cut it with my pinking shears and I hand stitched on my heart tag. All that is left is the binding.
week :: fourteen
During week fourteen Annie had her first ride in the RV. We had to do some business/pleasure stuff in Phoenix over night so rather then strap her in the car seat and hear her scream and cry the whole time we decided to RV it. It's not a cheap way to roll but with three kids and a dog it just might be the best way.
Annie is getting to be such a big girl wanting to sit up all the time so I decided to bring in the Bumbo for her.
During this week she also became familiar with the whitetails, axis and blackbuck in our garage butcher shop.
All the while Squish learned how to sing "Up on the housetop, click, click, click
Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick" while playing with his whitetail hoofs.

Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick" while playing with his whitetail hoofs.
What? That's not normal at your house!
week :: fifteen
We were finally able to confirm a little chuckle from this wee one. I was rough housing with the boys Sunday night and there it was...a few times. I don't know what set it off because I tried in vein to get her to do it again but she wouldn't give it up.
Little Miss is also in her bouncer thing-y now.
Extra dose of cuteness for the week:
oh my gosh, all of your little ones are getting so big!