Monday, July 16, 2012


As Daddy has kindly pointed out a time or two (or three, or four, or five, or six....or a hundred) "this blog used to be happier."  And he is right.

I never claimed to think that being a full time stay-at-home mom (SAHM) would be easy--I just didn't think it would be this challenging.  I enjoy nothing more then being a mom but what I don't enjoy and what makes being a SAHM challenging is that on most days I feel like I am the "no" police. 

"No, don't do that!"
"Stop hitting your brother?"
"Stop biting!"
"That's a bad idea!"
"Bug, get off your brother!"
"Hey" (as Squish slaps Bug in the face while I am typing this out)
"Squish, get out of the freezer.  It's too early for ice cream!"
And on and on and on....

The word "no" can be very exhausting and I had no idea. 

So now that I have worked on letting a few things go, clearing out my mind of the past, and in light of my dad's accident I am going to start focusing on the things that make me happy. 

Let's start with my kids...

The monsoon season is here but it seems most of the rain parts around our house when it starts.  Here it is mid-July and our rain barrels have only overflowed once.  ONCE!  The last good rain fall we had left just enough standing water for the kids to enjoy. 


  1. Hey, there! I lost all my favorites when I had to wipe my laptop clean a few months ago but yesterday I called Linda to get the name of your blog so I can catch up with you. I must have spent hours yesterday going over the last year (thank God you slacked a little).

  2. I sure enjoy your posts. As you said, parenting is the most challenging thing ever, but also the most rewarding. Kiss your babies for me.



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