Thursday, September 22, 2011

New around here...

Both Bug and Squish experienced some new things around here. 

Bug had his first dental appointment yesterday. 

If you know us (if you don't, then you should) then you know when it comes to our kids we just don't go about much lightly.  We don't follow the rules on what is traditional in society (cough...cough... vaccines, fluoride, HFCS).  We  just don't feed them any kind of food or juice and we sure as heck don't just pick any doctor.  So, when it came to picking a dentist for Bug I searched the Internet high and low and in and out until I think I found the perfect one.

His name is Dr. Michael Grossman. 
He scored some additional brownie points with me because it seems he has a great sense of humor.

If I could have a moment I'd like to brag a bit about my boy.  I'm talking about the short one in the photo above. 

He did such an AMAZING job.  He sat in the chair when asked, he laid down when asked and he opened his mouth big and wide when asked.

We had been practicing the last part...

Here is Bug trying out the chair

Preparing for Dr. Grossman

And getting examined

Turns out Bug has two small cavities.  I know...go ahead and gasp like my mother did. 

Those two cavities were caused by all of the night nursing he did until he was two.  Bug will need to wait until he is three years old to get them fixed because medical code says he can't have nitrous oxide (laughing gas) until he is three. 

Now onto Squish!

Now that Squish has reached the ripe age of six months old I started to feed him people food.  As I did with Bug I've been making Squish food. 

Now, I remember with Bug I followed all the rules...
I started him on rice cereal and breast milk. 
When I realized he didn't like the rice cereal I switched him over to oatmeal and breast milk and then I continued to work down the list of all the safe foods, one at time, looking for any adverse reactions.

With dear 2nd child I like to consider my parenting technique as refined. 

I said to hell with the cereal and milk only because I hate pumping. 
So I started him on bananas and oatmeal.

Now to quote an awesome sitcom

"Wait for it.  Wait for it."
And again....
and again....

Sorry....I can't get enough of that face.

After deciding bananas and applesauce weren't so great I switched him over to pears which he seems to of loved until two days ago and now bananas aren't so bad to him. 

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