Friday, April 8, 2011

I know it's been awhile.  In the beginning of being a mommy to two I was really worried about how to divide my time equally.  It really bothered me that I could no longer devote all of my free time to Bug and of course I wasn't able to give all of myself to Mr. C. like I was able to give to Bug for the first two years of his life. 
This is very much my glass is half empty.  My dear sweet husband whose glass is half full personality kindly reminded me that it could be worse.  I could be a full time working women with some daycare center raising my babies.  'Nuff said!  So, as sad as it is this blog has sort of taken the back seat in my life so I can raise my kids. 

So here's the latest....

Tonight we were visiting with Daddy's dear friends parents, Cathy and Gary.  They had four children and all  were breastfed for several years and all were home schooled.  During some of the conversations we were having tonight we talked about nursing our babies for years and homeschooling.  I know this sounds silly but I feel like I am part of an elite club of mothers.  Yes, I mean elite.  I mean elite because we believe in mid-wives, we believe in cloth diapers, we believe in nursing our babies for more than a year, we believe in co-sleeping and we believe in homeschooling.  Call us a crazy.  Call us radical.  Heck, if you are a doctor call us dangerous to the welfare of our children. 

Maybe we should be considered the radical elite!

I know that every parent considers the way they raise their babies to be the right way we just consider the way we raise our babies to be the un-industrial way.  We believe there can't be enough "natural" and nurturing in raising well rounded children.  We believe you can't kiss them enough, hug them enough, soothe them enough and share our beds enough.  

Daddy and I have discussed changing the format of this blog to share with you more of where we are at as a young family and where we plan on going with our family.  I have in the past shied away from discussing some aspects of our lives for worry over some backlash we may receive however I am truly thankful for the people in our lives and for the people on the Internet who are not shy and honest.  I feel it is these type of people that educate and that is what we want to do.  I suppose I would like to "lift the veil" so to speak and show you that we are very "normal" people trying to raise our kids in what has become an industrial, fast food, over processed society.  We want to bring back what our great-grandparents did...

We want to farm. 
We want to raise our own animals for harvest. 
We want to get back to nature. 

As Daddy likes to say...
"there is a movement going on".
and we are part of that movement! 

We are today's hippies!

Okay enough of all that.  I know you are really here for the pictures and not my tangents so here you go!

Mr. C is now almost five weeks old.  OMG!  Where have the last five weeks gone?

Bug has been the best big brother a Mother and little brother could ask for.  He wants to hold Mr. C all the time, kiss him, hug him and give him "knuckles" all the time.  It is the cutest thing. 

I must admit that I feel totally blessed to be in a house filled with boys!

Perhaps in my next posting I'll share with you my experience with tandem nursing or maybe I'll share with you the adventures of my placenta and one happy apple tree. 
Oh, what a tough decision!

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