After having my membranes scraped Friday which was my due date
After starting Evening Primrose & getting my membranes scraped again on Sunday to help thin my cervix even more
After acupuncture on Monday
After getting some pressure points massaged on Tuesday to induce labor
After taking Black & Blue CoHosh in the pill form every 15 minutes for 4 hours yesterday
After getting adjusted by the chiropractor last night
After taking Black CoHosh in the liquid form every hour for 4 hours and then getting adjusted again today...
There is still no sign of labor insight so that can only mean one thing...
This little boy is just not ready to come out!
After exhausting what we, or I, feel was all efforts to induce labor naturally by tomorrow so we could still deliver at the birthing center we have now decided that if active labor doesn't start on its own by tomorrow then we are going to let things ride out for awhile.
The mid-wife we saw this past Tuesday told us we did not have to get induced by tomorrow and that we could chose to wait longer so that is plan.
We just watched this great documentary about giving birth in America and statics show that if you are induced you have a 50% greater chance of having a c-section. Naturally, we are very much against having a perfectly healthy baby cut from my perfectly healthy body so any form of induction, ie., breaking my water or starting Pitocin isn't for our family. This boy just isn't ready and we are fine waiting until he is and to be honest....I am VERY tired of trying to make him come out. I want a break. I want to resume my normal life of cleaning house, raking leaves, picking up dog poop--not taking this pill, or drinking that, or rocking my hips this way or that way, or doing the naughty bedroom dance with my hubby.
Call us crazy but this is what is right for our family.
I have to check in with the mid-wives tomorrow and I expect they'll want to see me as soon as possible to check things out and make sure all is okay to continue on with the pregnancy.
If anything changes tomorrow we will let you all know.
If anything changes tomorrow we will let you all know.
If you want some great reading then check out this article written by a birth doula:
Lots of Love~
One crazy mama on a mission.
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