Everyday this week I've been devoting some time to the newest challenge. Frankly, finding the 50 things to donate, re-purpose or trash has been a little difficult because since about month 3 of this pregnancy I've been getting rid of stuff left and right.
Here are some photos of a few things I've gathered to do away with...
Old make-up! Or as Bug said "pens".
Not long after Bug was born we sort of made this commitment to be as chemical free as possible. I sort of live by this website when it comes to buying anything from shampoo to body wash to make-up and so on. I was shocked to learn that all of the make-up I had been wearing was rated a 9 out of 10 with 10 being the worse product you could be using. It took some time to break the addiction but I only wear face powder and mascara now. Of course it's still the "9" products because I haven't been able to find anything in town that's rated better so I'm sticking with the "less is more" motto.
The photo below is of a few things I mustered up to part with.
It's not much but I'm still working at it.
I also managed to work on a few projects this week as well.
First up: Bug and I spent some time in the kitchen. We made some cornbread biscuits in an attempt to make our own corn dogs. As it turns out the "dogs" are better without the "corn". None-the-less we enjoyed a messy fun time together
(Don't you just love those fat floured fingers?)
The 2nd Project was enjoying my son's first bubble bath with him. I know you are probably saying something to the effect of " What! He's almost 2 and he's never taken a bubble bath"! Remember the website I mentioned above? I've never wanted to be your average person and just buy the $2.00 bottle of Superman bubble bath because God only knows what and how many chemicals are in there. I have fallen in love with a product called California Baby. Yes, it's a bit expensive but it lasts a long time so tonight I made a special trip to Target to pick up a bottle of their bubble bath for Bug and I to enjoy.
Let me just say that most (if not all) of the California Baby products are rated a 1 and this bubble bath ROCKED! The cheap bubbles don't hold up compared to this stuff. We had bubbles for every minute of the 30 minutes we were playing away.
The last project of the week (so far) was well....trimming my toe nails.
Yes, that is a project for me! When I have a toddler running around like crazy and I'm 33 weeks pregnant my toes are the last thing to get in love or attention. I should be good for another month now!
OOPS....I almost forgot the MOST important thing!
Daddy and I took Bug to the bank today to open up his very own savings account.
He was tired when we went so please excuse the not so cute facial expressions. Because Bug had saved a certain amount of money he received a toy and a lunch bag as a gift. If he saves a little more he'll get a $25 gift card to Toys R Us. Hearing that news made his day so as soon as we arrived home he started flipping over the couch cushions looking for lost change :-)
Lots of Love~SL
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