If you've had the blessing (or misfortune) to walk around my house lately then you might have noticed the new decorations that have popped up over the last few months....
Stickers on the back of the cabinets....
Stickers on the fridge....
Pencil on the wall...
Crayon on the wall...
Crayon and a sticker on the door....
Stickers on the hamper...
Stickers on the ground outside...
More stickers on the wall with sticker placing in action....
YOU might see that I have a whole lot of cleaning ahead! Each marking that has been placed on the wall by a crayon accidentally left out, or a pencil swiped off my desk or for the oodles of stickers I've collected recently--I leave them all there. Some of you may walk into my house and never notice the pencil marking or crayon drawings and some of you may walk in and never take your eyes off of them. Some of you might think my house has been overtaken by a busy toddler but do you know what I see?
Each marking and each sticker is a reminder to me. A reminder that I am eternally blessed.
I am blessed because I was finally given the ability to get pregnant after a long struggle.
I am blessed because I carried my first pregnancy full term.
I am blessed because I gave birth to a perfectly healthy boy.
I am blessed because my dream of having a boy was answered.
I am blessed because my son is so amazing.
I am blessed because my son has his daddy's brains and my goofiness.
I am blessed because my son continues to be happy and healthy.
I am blessed because I have a little boy who loves me more than what words can describe.
I am blessed because I've been given the chance to do it all over again with Carsen.
I am blessed because I have a husband who firmly held onto my hand and walked through life with me.
I am blessed because I know my husband will never let go of my hand.
I am blessed because I have such amazing parents.
AND did I mention that come February I'll be blessed all over again!!!
I know you are getting tired of hearing about how blessed I am and how blessed I feel but this is how I feel.
I am a on-the-go kind of person so I don't always take the time to sit down and "smell the roses" and truthfully who really has the time too! The "smell the roses" time comes for me when I glance at the wall and see what LB has drawn this time or when I find a sticker has popped up somewhere else new or when I sit down at this computer late at night looking through photos to get my inspiration for the next blog posting.
I am blessed because I am oh-so-thankful for what I have now. I no longer sit and dwell on the things that have yet to come into my life to make me happy. The future no longer holds my happiness....the present does!
Have a good night!
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