Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm Feeling Inspired!

I took a cue from Crunchy Girl and did a little antique shopping today.  I stopped by a big ol' place called Copper Country Antiques.  I had been in there only once before looking for tea cups for my tea party baby shower back in November 09'.  I of course immediately fell in love with the place but because it isn't terribly convenient to go to I haven't returned since. 

My purpose for the trip there today was because Crunchy Girl had inspired me to locate my own child's chamber pot to use as my portable potty when LB starts to potty train.  I feel like a copy cat when I don't come up with these great ideas but honestly this one just never even crossed my mind.  I know some of you (okay, all of you) will think I am crazy for buying LB a chamber pot but I'll think I am even more crazy for buying more plastic because that is all potty chairs are made of today! 

Here is picture of a chamber pot for those of you who may not know.
Today's trip didn't pan out for a potty but instead I found some other great buys that made it home with me and a few others I had to leave behind.

My first two picks were these great large bundles of fabric.  I am not sure on the yards total but each bundle only cost me $4 bucks!  That is a screaming deal!
With the fabric in the first picture I plan on making curtains for my kitchen window out of some of it.  LB recently broke the cheap mini-blinds we had there and I bet I can't replace those blinds for four bucks.  Beside I could use the sewing practice.

With the second bundle of fabric I plan on attempting to make a small patchwork style quilt for the baby.  LB has graciously taken over ownership of my old blankie and I figured it wouldn't be right not to have something just as special and just as loved for the new baby.  Now....I only hope I can get my act together and get it completed before March. 

My third purchase was this great ol' peg bag (clothes pin bag).  It was an impulse buy but for $4.95 I couldn't pass it up.  I figured it would make for a great kitchen decoration and possibly as a template for me to make one similar. 

This fourth purchase was courtesy of Daddy who thought it might also make for a great kitchen decoration.  It's several cookie cutters on this cool hanging cookie cutter caddie(?). 

What was left behind was a great purse for $3.50.  A metal Popple lunch box with thermos for $8.00.  Several tea towels for future crafty projects.  Several really old and really cool gardening tools to hang in our back yard as decorations.  Several large Pyrex bowls that were to costly for me.  Two adorable vintage toddler girl dresses--I may still go back for those because I am convinced I am having a girl.  A great ol' step stool/chair that my grandparents had and several more cheap bundles of fabric.  

Okay honestly, I want 85% of what is in that store but Daddy ain't having any of it.

A small bonus to not having purchased my chamber pot is that I am now planning an antiquing trip to Globe.  Hey, my birthday is right around the corner so what a better way to spend it but with my family buying a used toilet!  (Hint, Hint, Daddy!)

Lots of Love-SL

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