Well, I think it's official.....I can no longer count on two hands (and two feet) how many times I hear a day Daddy saying "You're going to do what with LB?" OR "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
Let me explain why.....
Being that I am a first time parent I am often scratching my head trying to come up with enrichment ideas for LB. How does one play, and I mean really play, with a 14 month old child for longer then 10 minutes? So last week this brilliant idea came to my mind. Aunt Kissy was kind enough to hand down a Little Tikes picnic table and I have oodles of
kid friendly,
washable paint and more 12x12 white scrapbooking paper then I know what to do with. Do you see where I am going with this and now do you see where Daddy's questioning comes into play?
My first attempt at letting LB paint didn't go so bad. I had a little foresight and stripped him down naked because I expected him to paint every surface that he could touch.
Here he is slowly warming up....

Well....and as you can see he was able to figure things out

I quickly learned though that I had made one big mistake. What do you do with a child that is naked and covered in paint? Good question!
After I quickly realized that I have Monet 2.0 on my hands we were back out painting the following day. However, day 2 didn't go as well....

Now...to answer the question above. You have the bath tub filled and waiting before you ever hand him the paint.
I suppose like Daddy you are thinking she MUST be CRAZY for letting her 14 month old child paint, however, I feel like I am an awesome mom who lets her child explore, have fun and get dirty because after all...it will ALL wash off.
Now for tomorrow's enrichment...homemade play dough!
Lots of Love~SL
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