This blog started a few years ago as a way of keeping family informed about the birth and life of our first son. Four years later and a third child added to the family this blog has now transformed into not only a peek into our children's lives but also a peek into our lives as a sometimes unconventional family trying to find our way out of the conventional lifestyle.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I'll take a play date with a side of socializing
Friday, April 16, 2010
Painting 101
My first attempt at letting LB paint didn't go so bad. I had a little foresight and stripped him down naked because I expected him to paint every surface that he could touch. answer the question above. You have the bath tub filled and waiting before you ever hand him the paint.
I suppose like Daddy you are thinking she MUST be CRAZY for letting her 14 month old child paint, however, I feel like I am an awesome mom who lets her child explore, have fun and get dirty because after will ALL wash off.
Now for tomorrow's enrichment...homemade play dough!
Lots of Love~SL
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Mommy's Little Easter Bunny
And here is my Easter bunny today....
As you can tell this year my little guy wanted no part of being my little bunny again.
Here is what the Easter bunny brought LB this year.
This year the Easter bunny was all about practicality. He recycled last year's Easter basket. He gave LB two pairs of shoes because he had already out grown his size 4 shoes in two months. He was given two books and some sidewalk chalk.
Okay....onto the stock tank. My folks have this beautiful place "down south" as we call it. Through the years we have watched the tank go through its "highs" and "lows". However this year is the grand-daddy of all years for its "high".
You see there was a great big ol' fire down there a while back that cleared a lot of the land and with spring here the snow is melting and running down the mountain. Without all the shrub and grass the water has a free course to run and.... RUN IT DID!