Since Daddy moved his shop home we laid down some ground rules for each other to help ensure that family life stays our first priority and work second. We realized that with both of us working from home now it's all too easy to slip into our offices after work hours to do a "thing or two" and next thing you know it's been an hour.
Our first rule was that the work day ends at 5pm. We have also extended that rule to us not being on the computer after 5 as well. However we will break that rule if LB is in bed.
Now here is where the problem is on my end.
A) I always used the evening time to update the blog because I never had the time to do it during the day.
B) I am the one who is responsible for getting LB to sleep because he is still nursing. The major downside to this is of course I almost ALWAYS fall asleep with him.
Add those two together A + B = NEGLECTED BLOG (BOOOOO!!!!)
Needless to say a lot has happened between this blog posting and the last. To get you all update I have a selected a milestone to share with you this time.
Daddy was tired of seeing his son crawling around with what he considered to be a mullet. However, I was enjoying the look of "business in the front and party in the back"!
Daddy and I don't frequent any one place in particular for haircuts anymore so neither one of us had that special gal we liked so instead we just drove to the nearest place....Cost Cutters
Here is Daddy being totally embarrassed
And now it's time for LB first haircut.
Wanna try Daddy?
And now the after.....
Sorry for the only one "after" photo. We were well beyond LB's afternoon nap and picture taking was no longer fun.
LB did better then what I expected. However half way through his haircut my turn came up for my haircut so instead of taking 200 pictures I was only able to take roughly 150.
I hope you enjoyed!
Lots of Love ~ SL
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