Wow...not only in looking at the date in which I did my last blog update but also in looking at the photos I just downloaded off the camera I realize I am VERY, VERY behind in updates!
LB has been having a very difficult time cutting some teeth so he's been pretty needy over the last week or so. He's taking a much needed nap at the moment so I figured I would take this time to update things.
So....which parent has not thought about their child's future from the moment they know they are expecting? I have done this myself many of times and I will probably do so until the day I kick the bucket.
Here are a few photos I captured over the past few weeks that might hold a glimpse into my son's future.
Brad Pitt
Maybe he'll grow up and met a beautiful woman and adopt a bunch of gorgeous babies from various countries. On their down time from adopting they can have their own babies!
When all else fails he can stay as my little baby boy forever and kill everyone with his puppy love!
Okay! Okay! It's kinda corny but none-the-less ADORABLE!
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