This blog started a few years ago as a way of keeping family informed about the birth and life of our first son. Four years later and a third child added to the family this blog has now transformed into not only a peek into our children's lives but also a peek into our lives as a sometimes unconventional family trying to find our way out of the conventional lifestyle.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Fun with Aunt Joy
I had Aunt Joy come over and take some pictures of LB to mark his first full year of life. With help from Grammy we were able to pull off some really great photos! Enjoy!
P.S. Thank you Aunt Joy and Grammy!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Guess who's 1!!
An early treat---LB's first egg beater coated with fresh whipped cream!
AND NOW...Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear LB. Happy Birthday to you!
Yes, folks....LB worked his way through the cake one finger swipe and lick at a time. Clearly, he hasn't picked up on how quickly we eat here in our household.
PRESENT TIME! LB trying out his first pair of squeaky shoes
Happy Birthday LB. I love you so much! XOXO-SL
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Career Day
Maybe he'll grow up and met a beautiful woman and adopt a bunch of gorgeous babies from various countries. On their down time from adopting they can have their own babies!
When all else fails he can stay as my little baby boy forever and kill everyone with his puppy love!
Okay! Okay! It's kinda corny but none-the-less ADORABLE!