I'm back again. The dust has settled from Christmas and now we are prepping for New Year's Day Dinner.
The 2nd Christmas occurs on Christmas Eve when Daddy's aunts, uncles and cousins all convene at Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner and the exchanging of gifts. This tradition always took place at Great Grandma's house but since her passing Grandma and Grandpa have opened their home to keep the fun and good times going.
Family Gathered Around
Celebrating A.J.'s Birthday
LB & Daddy opening Aunt Nancy's Gift

And in the end....the ribbon is the best toy!
From Aunt Nancy he received his first pair of Organic potty training pants and a Organic T-Shirt ~Thank you Aunt Nancy!~
The second gift came from Uncle Steve and Aunt Lana.
Looks like someone has this gift opening thing figured out.
Daddy stepped in to assist
Dad's thought--"Great another toy that makes noise!"
~Thank you Uncle Steve and Aunt Lana~
And here is Miss Adie dressed in her princess dress from Aunt Nancy and her scarf and knit hat from Uncle Steve and Aunt Lana. Brings a tear to my eye to see her fashionista ways already coming out.
Stay tuned for the Christmas #3 on Christmas Day!
Lots of Love~SL
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