Today Mommy and Daddy took me to the Civano Nursery to look at getting a start at planting a garden in my back yard. They want Mommy to be able to eat better while she is feeding me and then when I get old enough to eat we will have a lush choice of organic food for me too. We went there with a list in hand of the fruits and veggies we want to plant. The list consisted of lettuce, carrots, snap peas, potatoes, blackberries, corn, blueberries, tomatoes, strawberries, bell peppers, jalapenos, spinach, broccoli, cilantro, cucumbers, kiwi and green beans all to start with. turns out we were so late and a dollar short that all we can plant right now are the berries. So Mommy and Daddy bought me my first giant strawberry plant to get things started until we can get the soil ready for the rest of the berries to come home.
Mommy and I in the garden (notice cousin It on the side of her face)
All of the fun and excitement sure did wear me out...
I am going to go for now but I'll check back in later.
Love: Love Bug
Devin you look so big. Pretty soon you'll be running around. Hope to see you soon. Victoria