My oldest is five and I have been asked several times when and where he will be attending school this year. I know I have mentioned a time or two (or three) about our desires to home school but that has been it....a mention, a time or two (or more). I thought I would (try) to take the time today to discuss with you a bit more about our plans.
Why homeschooling?
For us there was never another option. Way back in the day when the topic of starting our family was brought up we knew two things: One; I would be a SAHM and two; we would home school.
We feel like any and all raising of our kids would be done by us. For us this is our job and our priority.
I know this will find offend most however we don't want our kids to get the type of socialization that comes from putting 25-30 kids in an institution for 7+ hours a day. I read this bit over at another blog
confessions of a homeschooler and I really like how she put it.....
....I think I misunderstand the word socialization as that the notion that spending time with 30 other 6 year olds is in some way ‘socializing’ my child. I read this in an article by Manfred B Zyskthis: “Go to your local middle school, junior high, or high school, walk down the hallways, and tell me which behavior you see that you think our son should emulate.” LOL! I looked up the word ‘socialization’ and found some disturbing things. I do not want to ‘convert or adapt my children to the needs of society’. I do want them to be able to function in our society, but that does not mean they need to be assimilated into society like the Borg. We are in this world, but not of this world.
And third:
I need the re-education. Honestly. I went through the public school district and I didn't do as well as what I was capable of.
(Part of our un-schooling: culinary classes with Mama!
Yes, both my 5 and 3 year old know how to use knives)
Our Plan:
Really since the days my babies were born I've been homeschooling them. Once they reached the age to where they could sit still for 10 minutes and not want to munch on the book I would read to them. They each get a book read to them at nap and again at bed time. There bottom shelf of their closet is lined with books. My mom loved books and she raised us to love them too and this something that I have passed down to my kids. Reading books is an activity that they love and enjoy.
I have tried to sit down several times with my oldest, Bug, to start some informal preschool but he never showed much interest. He loves learning but the brakes are quickly applied once it's put into a formal setting. I never wanted to push the issue and make learning a miserable experience. Now that he has reached the magical age of five and by the standards adopted here locally he should be starting kindergarten this year.
My goals for the rest of this year are to take it light. I want to get our feet wet but not so wet that we become overwhelmed and have a bad experience. I know first hand that when an education is enjoyable it's desired and I want this to go well. Come the start of 2015 I hope to ramp things up a bit more.
Currently, the boys go to my mom's house on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30ish to 3:00ish. We will do our school work on Mondays and Wednesdays with Fridays having a focus on more hands on science activities. Come the first of the year they will stop going to my mom's house on Tuesdays but will still have their Grammy time on Thursdays.
After doing years and years worth of research I think our style of teaching will be somewhere between traditional and the un-schooling method. I feel both boys already know so much because the Daddy-O and I are constantly seeking out those "teachable moments" and using them to our advantage. The traditional schooling will be used to sort of "fill in the blanks" if you will.
(In the kitchen my boys are learning science and math)
My Curriculum (thus far) for the remainder of this year are:
Fortunately, I have an older sister who has paved the way for me on this and has given me a ton of advice and resources. You can buy a complete curriculum for lots of money that may or may not work for each child or you can piece one together which is the route I am taking.
Mind you I am no expert because this is all new for me but based upon the advice from dear older sister and with many days searching the Internet here is my curriculum: