There has been lots of exciting activity around these parts over the past two weeks.
I had hoped to extract some of these exciting moments and post them independently from these weekly updates but as you can see that hasn't happened.
You see, I am worried that some peeps might think that now that I have my sweet little girl I might forget about the boys in my life and this blog will be re-titled "Annie's World." Rest assure I deeply love all of my kids just the same but in their own unique way. I am a sentimental sap and the thought of not having this particular update on this particular day makes me sad AND well....because my mom has both boys on this day makes it a lot easier to sit down and focus on my thoughts here in this space.
Here is the first exciting thing:
(January 9th)
An elderly neighbor was taken out via ambulance for a non-emergency medical situation. The firefighters at station 12 saw my boys taking a peek at the big exciting truck and they asked them if they wanted to hop in. Bug, as you can see, was very excited to see the firefighters up close because he quickly ran inside and put on his firefighting costume. Oddly though, after that first picture was taken he split. The poor boy is turning out to be very shy like his mama. Squish hung around long enough and was able to shoot the fire hose.
Truthfully, I felt guilty that my boys were getting to experience something like this at the expense of my elderly neighbor but I keep telling myself that they approached us.
Thank you guys at Station 12 for making these exciting moments for my boys. I do hope to make it down to your station soon to say thank you again.
The Daddy-O left this past Thursday for a meat hunt in Texas. While he was away Bug graduated from his balance bike to his pedal bike sans the training wheels. We have had his pedal bike for probably a year now. He has tried to ride it a few times but the braking system for beginner bikes, to me, just seems too confusing for little kids so Bug quickly gave up. This past Friday we found ourselves in Walmart playing around and he hopped on one of their pedal bikes and took off. It took me a few minutes to realize he was riding that bike without any problems. We came home and I put him on his pedal bike and he took off. He only needed help a few times to figure out how to start pedaling without falling over but he quickly got that dialed in and the rest is history. For me it is kind of crazy to know that I can now go ride bikes with him. My first baby is getting so old!

Unfortunately, it appears this bike is already small for Bug. It will work for some time but I do believe someone has a birthday coming up real soon.
With Bug on the pedal bike that means Squishy will now have all rights to the balance bike.
Also while the Daddy-O was gone Squish and I finally got the potty training thing down. We've been trying for months but it was always so hot and cold with him. Our trip to Walmart on Friday was to get him some stickers so every time he did his business in the potty he'd get a sticker. By God, that was what he needed to make it all happen in the toilet. As of today he has only had two daytime mishaps.
Also while the Daddy-O was gone Annie demonstrated why she can no longer be left unattended on anything that isn't the floor:
You know that mama feeling you get when you just sense that something isn't right without actually seeing that something isn't right? Well, that happened and this is what I found. Turns out my girl is a mover and a shaker now.
Total side tangent....
I came across this blog a few years back ... I was directed to their blog after they lost their child Ruby Jane. It's been awhile since I was last on their blog but they crossed my mind today and I thought I would see how they were doing. After reading the latest news I scrolled down and read the posting titled
"In His Hands" and watched the
VIDEO. I nearly cried but only because I really sucked it up.
Today, I had a MOPs meeting and the meeting was titled: My mess is bigger than yours. Our guest speaker brought up a few things for us to think and ponder on. She said:
Love them fiercely
Hold them loosely
Let them fly.
There was a fourth one but I can' recall it.
I have faced loss but never the loss of a child. I have faith but I know my faith has never been tested. I hang onto my faith fiercely. I trust.
At the end of the day that is all I can do. As I have heard someone say "they are only on loan to us."
I hate to throw all of this in here so suddenly after counting out just some of the wonderful blessings I have in life and for the all the wonderful things I have been celebrating over the past few days.
I think the good Lord above it kindly asking me to take pause right and savor. Instead of sitting here and typing all of this out perhaps I should go and feel those blessings. Breath them in and hold them. Take joy in the present.
My kids are my life. They are my joy. My happiness. My cup o' coffee in the morning.
One thing I pulled away from the MOPs meeting today is that I still don't know who I am as a person but I do know me as a Mom. As a mom I don't ever waver on who I am and where I am taking us in this life. I may not always know the direct path but I do know where the destination is and I will do everything in my power to get us there.
Week thirteen to be continued.....