Our "Pretty Princess" is a week old today. One week! It's been a fast, great week. There have been some adjustments as we try and settle in as a family of five.
I've said this a million times but I am going to put it in writing so it is forever persevered within the Internet world, oh and in the NSA world (hello guys). I am beyond blessed! My original request to the man above was for two boys, two years apart, and BAM! I have Bug and Squish 25 months apart. Then I had a second request at the end of last year/early this year.... A girl. I wanted a baby girl not only for myself but one for the Daddy-O. What a right-of-passage for a man to walk his daughter down the aisle. Well all my prayers and/or requests have been answered. I am blessed!
So what did Pretty Princesses first week of life look like....
It all started with the cut of her cord....
A photo with our delivering Mid-Wife
Visitors at the hospital
An examination from her brothers...
A sleepover at the hospital with Squish....
A car ride home....
Visitors at home...
Her first lesson with Daddy in elk butchering...
More cuddle time....
And her first project at the house....
This next photo was an idea that I am borrowing from a friend. She purchased a 12m dress for her newborn daughter and takes weekly pictures of her daughter in this dress to watch her grow into it. I really liked the idea so I stole it!
Week 1
I asked the Daddy-O what his favorite part of Pretty Princess was and he said "all of her." I don't disagree but my one favorite part are these....
Her long, old lady feet! I just love these and I will be sad when the day comes that the images of these wrinkly tiny feet will fade from my memory.