Here is an update.... Despite my protests when I found out that the 2nd babe growing in my belly was going to be a "he" and he was due so close to Bug's birthday I vowed to do everything I could, birthday's included, to keep who they where separate from each other. Well, two years later I am planning a joint birthday party for them. I caved because we really like to have all the extended family with us during these special moments so the cost to have two of these parties back-to-back and the time it takes to plan and prepare just didn't make sense to me this year.
The theme is vintage train. At this point it is my goal to avoid all the commercial themes. Here is modified copy of the invitation. I altered our personal information.
For the boy's actual birthday's I am going to do something small to bring attention to two of the most special days in my life.
Bug had a run in with the T.V. cabinet back in December. Of course it was at night. The thought of leaving Squish with a Grandparent for who knows how long and the risk of bringing home something worse from the E.R. we decided to avoid going there.
With an ice pack Papa stopped the bleeding and later that night we put him to bed looking like this...
The next morning when nerves were calm we busted out a tube of super glue and put his head back together. The scar isn't pretty but with time I hope it will soften out.
For Squish the light has finally gone on for him and he is spitting out new words all the time. He can even put a few together like...."Where Dada at?" and "Night-Night. No."
He is still nursing and in fact he is more of a boobaholic then what Bug was. At this point I'll continue as we are until I get pregnant and then I hope to wean him of the night nursing. I honestly would like to give tandem nursing another try but I can't have two babies needing to nurse at night.
I have started back up at the gym again. It's taken some time to work in a schedule that will get me there at least three times a week but I think we are finally there. I am trying to get my body back in Pre-Bug shape for what I plan on being my third and final pregnancy. I want to end my last pregnancy on a really high note. I wasn't in shape when I became pregnant with Squish and I felt that. To help turn things up a notch for me I have started drinking Dr. Oz's green drink and I hope to sign up for at least one 5k per month but I would like to do two. Money will dictate that.
The Daddy-O's work load has finally stabilized. It's good for the boys and I to have him around a bit more but it's also a bit bad because that means he is caught up and tapered off. 2013 will mark 10 years since Daddy-O became self-employed and kicked the time clock to the curb and 2012 was a very awesome year for this one man band.
The Daddy-O had an opportunity back in December to go hunting for deer in Texas to put more meat in our freezer. Over a longer weekend he was able to come home with two axis deer and one whitetail. Daddy-O wanted to experience and have the knowledge of processing these animals himself so over the course of two weeks our back porch was turned not only into a butcher shop but also into a little school house for the boys and myself. Like any good homeschoolers/homesteaders we like to take as many opporunties as possible and turn them into teachable moments.
So there are some updates on us. Sorry for the shortage in photos I haven't downloaded my camera since early December. I will try to do that and give more updates in the next few days. Maybe I should make this blog a New Years resolution.