This blog posting is for you. I think you think all I do all day is eat, hang out with mommy, play with my toys, eat, hang out with mommy, soil my diaper at least a dozen or so times, wait for daddy to come home, eat, nap four times a day, eat, watch daddy drive the backhoe into the wall, eat and so on. I know it doesn't seem like much but the truth is I am busy very, VERY busy. So to ease your anguish of not having an updated posting of me to stare at all day while you are at work, working (or not), here you are go....a glimpse into my daily life.
Waiting to eat breakfast
Sharing Mommy's Fruit
Airing My Tush Out
Bath Time...also a FAVORITE!
Cuteness to Enjoy!
Told you I was a busy boy! Love LB